Sunday, June 7, 2009

Google / Firefox Add-on ‘PageSpeed’

Google has released a tool to help web developers build their pages correctly and with greater speed. Recently, Google released Firefox add-on Page Speed, which integrates with another add-on, Firebug. These are designed for web developers trying to make their pages faster. When you install Page Speed and restart Firefox, you can now expand Firebug and switch to a Page Speed tool tab.

Move to your page, then click the Analyze Performance button. What appears is a list of things you did right, and things that Google regards as having been done wrong. Expand this section for tips and help in regard to issues like “Leverage browser caching”, “Remove unused CSS”, “Combine external JavaScript”.

Google’s Code Blog says:

At Google, we focus constantly on speed; we believe that making our websites load and display faster improves the user’s experience and helps them become more productive. Today, we want to share with the web community some of the best practices we’ve used and developed over the years, by open-sourcing Page Speed…a tool we’ve been using internally to improve the performance of our web pages.

Page Speed’s suggestions are based on a set of commonly accepted best practices that we and other websites implement. To help you understand the suggestions and rules, we have created detailed documentation to describe the rationale behind each of the rules.

The Firefox add-on is interesting as it shows that Google is still heavily invested in Firefox - some proposed that with the advent of Google Chrome, new features for Firefox would be slow to appear.

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